2 thoughts on “Stand and Deliver at Streamline

  1. I truly enjoyed and benefitted from the “Stand and Deliver” course. As a pilates instructor I find myself lacking an “arsenal” of tools for the lower body especially for the “typical” cases of hyperextension and knock-knees. I learned so many great tips, tricks and fixes for these structural variations. Thank you Movement Science Made Simple!!!

  2. I love the way MSMS courses keep the concepts simple. The same ideas are reiterated in many ways, allowing me to absorb and retain the information better. I also appreciate that I can come away with a few new tools to help my clients “fill in the blanks.” These tools and concepts help me clarify what I am trying to teach them, get better results, and ultimately build them a stronger foundation so they are more effective in their Pilates practice, no matter what level they are working at.

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