Curriculum Courses

Your Song Is Your Strength

The Breathing Mechanism and Core Control

One current model of the body’s “core” includes the abdominal and low back muscles, the thoracic diaphragm, and the pelvic floor. Because these muscles are also intimately involved in breathing, breath control and core control are inseparable. Understanding the implications of this model makes it easier to correctly and safely coach both Pilates exercises and functional movement.

In this Movement Science Made Simple course, we examine:

  • How the abdominals, diaphragm, and pelvic floor work together as part of the breathing mechanism, and as movers and stabilizers of the lumbar spine and pelvis.
  • The physiology of breathing, emphasizing the interplay between voluntary and involuntary regulation.
  • The role of intra-abdominal pressure in low back stability, and the necessity of both abdominal “hollowing” and abdominal “bracing” movement strategies.
  • Supportive and stabilizing functions of the pelvic floor, including its role in intra-pelvic stability.

Beginning with breathing exercises from Pilates, yoga, and physical therapy, we will build a strong foundation for our own movement. As the relationship between breath control and core control becomes clear, course participants will learn how breathing strategies can facilitate or undermine movement strategies.

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